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Memento Mori
But the Clouds
Ein See ist immer ganz in der Naehe
Biennale Photo de Mulhouse


Anne Immelé, Jean-Luc Nancy, WIR, Filigrane Edition, 2003
ISBN 13 : 978-2-914381-61-1
Format : 215 x 215, 80 pages
Broché, 48 photographies en noir et blanc bichromie.
traduction allemande

25 € frais de port inclus

ENG : « In this book, nobody looks at the spectator, except Marguerite from the old, framed picture, which is lost in the shadows from a low light. But Marguerite is dead, we discerne two dates after her name. Perhaps, the photographer and the photo are remembering their past for a brief trip into their personal history and back. The double lamps only illuminate with a single bulb, as if we had to forget, to keep the past which is far now at a distance. » Jean-Luc Nancy.

WIR was published in 2003 by Filigane edition. The book collects pictures taken from 1995 to 2002, in black and white. Accompagning the photographs, a text from Jean-Luc Nancy.
My first lake pictures appeared in this book. I'm interrested in capturing the ephemeral in the real and confront it with the stillness and the unchanging from a photograph. Lake's figure was a way to illustrated that dialectic. This opposition between fugacity and unchanging is also visible in the editing and book display. For example, a record from a brief gesture is facing a a montain stone or a hieratic portraits. In the book, another link between the images is the heaviness from the light, considered in its spectral dimension. The indexical mark from photography is in relationships with the memorial dimension like in this picture taken in Quebec Zoo.

FR : Evoquer l’existence plus que la réalité. Wir est une séquence qui regroupe des photographies prises dans différents territoires emplis de froids, de blancs, de nuits, de brumes. La pesanteur des nuages sur les lacs vosgiens y résonne avec la fulgurance des congères de neige québécoise. Dans le silence et dans la nuit, dans la blancheur et dans le froid, des confrontations se jouent entre des mises à nu de visages et de corps et des états de réflexions au seuil des espaces et des mondes faits d’instabilités existentielles et poétiques.