+33 6 99 73 81 80
Memento Mori
But the Clouds
Ein See ist immer ganz in der Naehe
Biennale Photo de Mulhouse


Dorothée Baumann (CH), Christina de Middel (ES), Isabelle Le Minh (FR) and Michel François (BE)
Curator Anne Immelé
Fines Arts Museum Mulhouse
First BPM-Biennale de la photographie de Mulhouse

ENG : In a lucid, poetic or critical way, Dorothée Baumann, Christina de Middel, Isabelle Le Minh and Michel François play and replay with the existing codes of images emanating from an encounter with other mediums (painting, sculpture), with the history of photography or with the scientific world.
On the ground floor, within the framework of his project of diffusing his posters, Michel François invites the public to take a poster specially produced for the occasion. The posters of Michel François will also be disseminated in the Mulhouse area. These urban posters will be photographed and their documentation will be the subject of a restitution in the exhibition space, throughout the summer.
The second floor is invested by three individual exhibitions, the themes of which intersect, the three photographers rendering visible their visions of the future and the impact of images at the heart of different technological systems:
Dorotheé Baumann invites the spectator to photograph himself using a camera which photographs auras; the images are displayed in relation with photographs which make reference to the tools used by researchers in the domain of neuroscience.
Christine De Middel proposes a photographic fiction based on a project to conquer Space which was developed by Zambia in 1964.
Isabelle Le Minh questions even the technology of photography, its challenges and its displacements at the centre of the creative processes of contemporary artists.

FR : En 2013, Anne Immelé fonde, avec Jean-Yves Guénier, la BPM - Biennale de la photographie de Mulhouse dont elle assure la direction artistique, la programmation et le commissariat de l’exposition PLAY & REPLAY au Musée des Beaux-arts.
Sur un mode lucide, poétique ou critique, Dorothée Baumann, Cristina de Middel, Isabelle Le Minh et Michel François jouent et rejouent avec les codes d’images existantes, issues d’une rencontre avec d’autres médiums (peinture, sculpture), avec l’histoire de la photographie ou avec le monde scientifique. L’exposition impulse une réflexion sur la production et la réception des images photographiques dans le contexte de la circulation immatérielle des images à l’ère numérique.

Site de la Biennale de la photographie de Mulhouse