Memento Mori
FR : Présentée lors de la Régionale, dans l'exposition "Time and Motion", la séquence Memento Mori figure la vulnérabilité, la nature instable et mortelle de tout être ou chose. En ne montrant que l’apparence de ce qui nous entoure, des êtres qui nous sont chers, la photographie questionne le caractère éphémère des choses et des vies. La séquence associe des polaroids en partie effacés ( datant des années 1960 ), des photocopies, d'anciennes photographies argentiques avec des images numériques récentes. Cette série questionne la disparition du monde de la photographie argentique et le devenir des images, dont le support est lui-même vulnérable. La dimension spectrale de la photographie est convoquée dans ces images qui montrent des "instants qui n’en finissent pas" .
ENG : The collection of photos which I called "Memento mori" mixe film and digital photography. After a few years where I was making digital photographs, I had the desire to get back in the dark room and make film prints. The series is about the disparition of the film picture world, it is a melancholic serie. My attention has been dedicated to the process itself : how the photos appear, like in a photograph where polaroids were appearing. For this series I have been using photographs accumulated through time, which have been finding a new sentimental and memorial dimensions. We can see a reproduction from one of my first photographs, a portait taken in 1989. It is a digital reproduction from a photocopie taped in a notebook. We can see the traces from tape's residue, its color has turned into a yellowed brown. It symbolizes time passages. There is also a spectral dimension in this portrait, the face is very alive. The "Memento Mori" serie is a work in progress. I have exposed it twice, with two differents sequences, two variations. The sequences displayed differents formats and supports, digital prints and several film prints, polaroid, photocopies.